Renamed Routes

GuidebookOld NameNew Name
Trapps RoutesBitchy VirginBrave Valkyrie
Trapps RoutesShockley's CeilingThe Ceiling
Trapps RoutesLand of PussificationLand of Wesification
Trapps RoutesPussygatoryPurgatory
Nears RoutesSissy BoysSling Boys
Nears RoutesSlammin' the SalmonSlammin'
Nears RoutesWoolly Clam TacoWOOT!
Haycock BoulderingHam WalletHam and Eggs
Haycock BoulderingThrowing Oranges at EskimosThrowing Oranges
Haycock BoulderingGestapoDuckwitz
Rumney RoutesMidget TricksTricks
Rumney RoutesRestless NativeRestless
Rumney RoutesBrendan's BitchesBrendan's
Rumney RoutesChinese Water TortureWater Torture
Manhattan on the RocksHooker with a Heart of GoldHeart of Gold
Manhattan on the RocksSweat of the RapistSweat
Manhattan on the RocksNo HomoHomo Sapiens
Manhattan on the RocksIndian CavesRamble Cave
Manhattan on the RocksLittle MexicanLittle A
Trapps BoulderingDirty White Boys and RicansDirty White Boys
Trapps BoulderingYou Slut, I Hate You!I Hate You
Trapps BoulderingJigga Wha?Wha?
Trapps BoulderingEar RapeEar Blast
Trapps BoulderingGas ChamberThe Chamber
Trapps BoulderingScissor ActionScissors
Nears BoulderingRee Ree RoofRR Roof
Peter's Kill BoulderingDwarf TossThe Toss
Peter's Kill BoulderingMidget MakerMaker Arete
Peter's Kill BoulderingKitty PornKP
Peter's Kill BoulderingChinese Water TortureWater Torture
Peter's Kill BoulderingBitch Ass SyndromeBA Syndrome
Pawtuckaway ClimbingMidget PornMP
Birdsboro RoutesCoke and HoesCola and Trowels
Birdsboro RoutesThe Mighty MidgetMighty Aphrodite
Birdsboro RoutesRedskinWokeskins